Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Health Highlight

Did you know 1/3 of all babies who get whooping cough get it from their mothers? There is a safe and effective shot that can protect you, your family and your baby. The shot is Tdap. It is recommended for everyone ages 11-64 years old especially those that are care givers of an infant. It is also recommended that new mothers get the Tdap vaccination to protect them from whooping cough and reduce the risk for exposing their infants to the disease.

Adults can contract pertussis and unknowingly pass it on to others, including babies, who have the most serious complications and highest death rates from the disease. Children are typically immunized against pertussis, but are not fully protected until after receiving three or four doses of the vaccine. Immunity from the childhood pertussis vaccine wears off over time in adults, and, unfortunately, most are not aware they need to get an adult pertussis booster.

While whooping cough is often mistaken for a common cold or bronchitis in adults, it can be potentially deadly in infants. Adults who received vaccinations when they were children may mistakenly believe that they are still protected, but immunity wears off over five to 10 years, leaving them vulnerable to contracting and spreading the disease.

The Tdap vaccine is currently being offered free of charge for adults at the Bear River Health Department. You can contact them at 792-6564 for hours.

***We will be doing a bike helmet sale in April. Order forms and pricing information will be coming home soon!

Thank you Mary Ann Craner

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